Social networking

Their twitter account is fairly popular with over 2 million followers, however, they are quite inactive compared to other artists as they do not post daily whereas some of the most followed twitter accounts post multiple times per day. When they do post, it tends to be very heavily related to their band instead of humerous text posts which shows them to be very proud of their music

In these photos they are shown in a number of different ways. In some of these they are shown as being quite serious which is a convention of a number of different rock bands- like sum 41 and blink-182 which tends to connote the heavy nature of their music. However, in their most recent photo (top left) they are all laughing which shows that their music and personalitites are becoming less serious and the value the joke in everything.

In this album cover, the typography is slightly burnt out which gives them quite an urban vibe. The colour really stands out from the background, suggesting that their music is quite bold.
This is their band logo. They have abbreviated their name to be FOB much like other rock band do, so it brands them as a rock band. Additionally, it has a crown on the top which emphasises the fact that their music is good and that they are superior to other bands
Here, the writing is very basic and does not stand out much from the picture. This could shown that they like to use they photo to provoke people as it is very visually interesting. This seems to be a common theme as in their other album cover they used a picture of people who are not in the band which presents them as people


There is clearly a theme when it comes to the way that fall out boy chooses to dress. They tend to wear black skinny jeans with t shirts and a hoodie or jacket. This adheres to the representation pf rock bands who usually dress this way, representing the genre of music they produce which will make likers of this genre want to listen to their music.The singer, Patrick, wears a hat in all of these photos which gives him a bit of personality and also makes him identifable from the rest of the band.

Photo By: Sigal Mizrahi
Mode Of Address
Here they are shown in quite a joking manner as they are taking the 'stupid interview'. They are quite casual in the media and can take most things with a joke and have great chemistry with each other which presents them as a really genuine band.
I think this music video is a prime example of how they present themselves in the media.They dont pretend to be something they're not- instead they play on the fact that they are not 6ft basket ball players with six packs, but they do try hard and celebrate their small achievments. Additionally the fan base and band have an inside joke about Patrick's hand which is shown in this video which highlights the close relationship they have with their fan base.